• The Transcend Inc. Security Guard courses are the premier licensing programs in the State of Hawaii.
    Our Initial Security Guard Instruction course is widely used throughout the State. Our founder Jeff Owens created our Initial Security Guard Instruction (8-hour) course to obtain the GDE license, and the Continuing Education course for GDE license renewal which has become the standard used by the Board of Private Detectives and Guards for the 2018-2021 and 2021-2024 triennial renewals that other programs must meet.We offer a very favorable and affordable license program (low initial License Fee and Student Admin fees) that allows for both in-house and 3rd party training that is transportable with the approved Instructor.To become a Transcend Inc. Approved Instructor you must have received your Letter of Approval to be a Security Guard Training Instructor from the Board of Private Detectives and Guards. The application forms with instructions are in our Helpful Information/FAQ section under DCCA forms. Or, you can use the following links:

    Guard Instructor Information and Application form: https://www.securityguardtraininghawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Guard_Instructor_Information_Application.pdf

    Experience Verification form: https://www.securityguardtraininghawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Experience-Verification-PDG-28_09.12N.pdf

    Once you have received approval from the Board, you can contact us to discuss approval to be licensed by us, the fees and business agreement. If we enter into a business agreement and after payment of the initial License Fee, we’ll schedule a training materials orientation and a review of your ability to present the course materials effectively.

    Approved Instructors will receive:

    A Comprehensive Instructors Manual of the Board Approved Instructional Program.

    • This is a turnkey program – not videos and outlines from which you have to create your own lesson plans (which would then need to be submitted for approved by the Board)
  • Visual Aids (PowerPoint deck).
  • Instructional Material Orientation session(s) (as many as you need to be comfortable with the material).
  • Needed Forms.
  • Test Material and Answer Sheets (Not all courses require testing).
  • Access to our exclusive Instructors On-Line Portal for Certificate creation
  • Instructor Accessible Online Record Storage of Students to whom you issued Certificates.
  • Assistance in qualifying to conduct online classes.
  • Ongoing support; we don’t just sell you a program, we’re here to help you succeed.

Please be aware that not all Instructors may qualify to license our program. While we respect the knowledge and skill of all Instructors, we require those to whom we license our programs to have demonstrable presentation and classroom management skills.

If you are interested in being licensed to use the Transcend Inc. Initial Security Guard Instruction program and/or our Continuing Education for License Renewal program; please contact:

Jeffrey Owens

Office Tel: 808-367-3210

Email: Info@TranscendRM.com